The All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks (AUCPB), inheriting Bolshevik principles of the R.S.D.W.P. -R.S.D.W.P.(b) - A.U.C.P.(b) - of Lenin's policiy in the CPSU, is the highest form of proletarian class organisation, advanced detachment of the working class, acting in unity with the peasantry and labour intelligentsia, standing on the Party's positions for: the gain of political power - overthrowing the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie and establishment of the dictatorship of the proletariat, the destruction of private ownership over the instuments and means of production, the revival of the USSR, the further strenghtening of the proletarian interests for the complete victory of socialism and gradual transition to communism. The ideological and theoretical basis of the AUCPB is formed by Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin, is their doctrine in its creative application and development in modern conditions. The AUCPB is a component of the global communist movement with the aim of communism triumphing over the whole planet.

Sunday, 12 November 2017

100 Years since Great October

Dear comrades, friends! Members of the AUCPB, the VMGB and non-party people, citizens of the ex-USSR, our friends who are like-minded abroad, supporters and adherents of socialism! On behalf of our party and myself, I congratulate you all on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the greatest event in the history of mankind, the accomplishment of the Great October Socialist Revolution under the leadership of the genius of revolutionary theory and practice, the founder of the revolutionary communist doctrine of the era of imperialism-Leninism, the founder of the world's first state of workers and peasants, the leader of the world proletariat - Vladimir Ilyich Lenin. 
Centuries pass, but this event will forever remain in the history of civilization as a bold breakthrough into the future, as for the first time in history the dream of mankind to realize a just society without violence, without the exploitation of man by man. Society, in which each other is a brother, friend, adherent, creator of a happy life on Earth.70 years of Soviet power were shown firsthand that it is possible to build a society of free people, where a person freed from private property is able to create and perform miracles. And the words from the Soviet March of Aviators (1923) - "We were born to make a fairy tale happen, to overcome space and space" - really embodied in the 70 years of Soviet power, in the glorious heroic Soviet history. 

The Soviet Union in practice proved the possibility of successfully building socialism in one particular country. During the first 35 years of Soviet history, the Soviet Union under the leadership of J.V. Stalin became a fortress that world imperialism could not take by armed intervention. Under Stalin, a powerful economic base of socialism was laid in the USSR. With him, a huge gold reserve was accumulated: there was so much gold and platinum that they were not shown on the world market (so as not to reduce prices). Under the influence of the triumphant victory in the Great Patriotic War and the successful construction of socialism in the USSR, the world colonial system began to collapse after the end of World War II. 
All this was very disturbing to the West. 
In one of the declassified reports of the CIA after the war, it was noted that the continuation of the development of the Stalin economic model would lead the USSR to a super superpower level, which would lead to the collapse of the entire world imperialist system and then it would be finished with imperialism. Therefore, after the end of World War II, the world of Capital changed the tactics of "fighting communism", relied on the disintegration of the socialist system from within, and also resorted to the tactics of the COLD WAR, imposed on us the exhausting arms race, the need to constantly strengthen our defense, both material and intellectual, to the detriment of the welfare of the people.In the post-Stalin period, due to the creation of its powerful nuclear missile weapon, at the cost of lagging behind in raising the level of well-being of its people, the USSR made it impossible to unleash the Third World War for 45 years after the end of World War II, becoming a shield and defender of the countries of the socialist bloc and all others who bowed their heads before the dictates of the leading imperialist states. 

Developed after the end of the Second World War, a rabid propaganda war of slander and denigration of glorious Soviet history and, first of all, denigrating the personality of the great J.V. Stalin took a universal scale, especially during the years of counter-revolution. 
J.V. Stalin loved the people and fiercely hated and hates the enemies of socialism until now. About J.V. Stalin are many statements of famous politicians of the planet. I will give only 2 of them. J.V. Stalin "had tremendous authority not only in Russia" (Charles de Gaulle). "Stalin has great abilities as a strategist and statesman, than Churchill and Roosevelt put together" - as Ribbentrop (former German foreign minister) described. Similar statements by famous statesmen, politicians, prominent representatives of the world of science and art about the greatness of J.V. Stalin and the significance of his political activities can be cited without end ...

In the closed information of the CIA of the post-war period it was also noted that "for some time, not one of Stalin's successors will be able to achieve a comparable value with him as a symbol of the international communist movement." In practice, it turned out that in the leadership of the CPSU after Stalin there were no politicians who could adequately continue the work of Stalin. Unbridled slander against J.V. Stalin by Khrushchev at the 20th Congress of the CPSU, the reform of Kosygin-Lieberman, the introduction into the socialist economy of the mechanisms and principles of the functioning of the market economy dealt a mortal blow to the Soviet system and the socialist economy, transferring it to the restoration of capitalism ... Gorbachev, the last General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee, ingratiating before the West, betrayed the people, destroyed the Soviet Union, helped Yeltsin and his gang of thieves and cosmopolitan liberals to finish the affair initiated by the anti-Soviet, adicts that "the purpose of his life was the destruction of communism ...."  

Gorbachev betrayed both the international communist and national liberation movement. 
We, living at the beginning of the 21st century, in the conditions of the violent bourgeois counterrevolution that won in the USSR in the 1990s, have a great responsibility for the future. As is known, "violent counter-revolution is such a historical fact - either it is not at all overcome, or it is overcome only by revolution" (K. Marx). Therefore, in front of humanity, which is now experiencing the deepest civilizational crisis and sliding towards the fascization of the ruling regimes and a Third World War, the only way to save life on Earth is the new socialist revolution. "The world is moving in revolutions. One act of violence can be eradicated only by another similar act "(V.I. Lenin). 
The task of today's Communists is to explain to the people available to us through means of propaganda and agitation how the violent bourgeois counterrevolution took place in the USSR, WHY and WHERE the USSR collapsed and WHAT to do today. Broad propaganda must awaken among the masses confidence in their abilities, confidence in the need to fight for the worthy future of their children, for a just peace against the fascization of regimes, for a world without wars, for the future of the socialist. For "Outside socialism there is no salvation to mankind from wars, from famine, from the death of millions and millions of people" (V.I. Lenin). 

Without faith in the future, man does not have the meaning of life. It is necessary to restore people's faith in the possibility of changing the world for the better. And this change is possible only in a revolutionary way. According to Lenin, a revolutionary situation arises when the upper classes can not manage in the old way, and the lower classes do not want to live in the old way. It should be remembered that "the tactics of the socialist proletariat can not be the same when there is a revolutionary situation, and when it is not there" (V.I. Lenin). The revolutionary situation necessarily requires the presence of a mature subjective factor. It is necessary to feel well the historical moment and act in accordance with it: "The Marxist in the account of the moment must proceed not from the possible, but from the real" (V.I. Lenin). In the present conditions of life, the upper echelons themselves prepare the ripening of the revolutionary situation by virtue of the "escalation of the aggravation, above the ordinary, need and distress of the oppressed classes." 
I want to feel painfully again as a part of a single great whole, a part of a united, multinational family of peoples, a part of a great country that the "children of the Twentieth Congress", the liberal servant of the counterrevolution, were stolen from us and destroyed. So I want to return to a country where people are valued not for money stolen from the people, or taken away from it natural riches, but for its talent and the benefits that people bring. I want to return to the USSR, which illuminates the other peoples the way to a bright, socialist future. 
As I said at the First Congress of the Peoples of the USSR (September 20, 1993, Moscow) - "The Soviet Union was dislodged from above, and it needs to be rebuilt from below. Calculations and mistakes of leaders are always corrected by the masses." 

On November 8, the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks marks the 26th anniversary of its founding. I congratulate all members of the AUCPB on this significant date, I wish you all good health and success in our difficult struggle for socialism. 
We Bolsheviks firmly believe that the new October is ahead! Mankind, on a new historical spiral of its development, will necessarily re-emerge on the building of a socialist formation, the good that there is a great experience in the successful construction of socialism in the Soviet Union. 
Nina Alexandrovna AndreevaGeneral Secretary of the AUCPB

Photos of AUCPB events marking the 100th Aniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution

                                        MINSK - BELARUS







                                       PETERSBURG (LENINGRAD)


Photo report continued of AUCPB events marking the 100th Aniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution

                               ILSK - KRASNODARSKY KRAI


                                                      KURSK AUCPB










